Hoang Cuong

Cuong and Hung

About me

Hello! I am an Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (Deep Learning Department) in California focusing on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning/Deep Learning. Previously I worked as a Natural Language Processing Scientist at Agolo - a start-up in New York that works on text summarization. I received my PhD at the University of Amsterdam in late 2017.

Please connect me at GitHub or write an email to hoangcuong2011 [at] gmail [dot] com.

Work experience and research interests

I am particularly interested in the area of Natural Language Processing. My expertise is about to advance Natural Language Processing using Machine Learning/Deep Learning. Some topics I worked on are Machine Translation, Text Classification, Knowledge Graph and Document Summarization. Recently my work is related to Speech synthesis as well.

I have experience in both academia (PhD + Postdoc) and industry (Scientist). I stayed in academia before where I worked on pure research projects and published papers on top venues in the field (e.g. TACL, EMNLP, NAACL and COLING). Now my main work is to develop NLP models and deploy some of them into production. The types of work in these two enviroments are different sometimes. However for my work in industry, I always try to work with the best (i.e. SOTA) models in the literature. Also I try to publish papers while working in industry as well.


I have a family with a little kid, thus I don't have much time for any hobbies. But I try to read as much as I can. Right now most things I read are technical but I hope I will have time to read more non-technical things in future.